A free intro session hosted by Kristin Neff’s community
Hello Friends!
I’m excited to offer an Intro to Teaching Self-Compassion session this Wednesday, January 15, hosted by Kristin Neff’s Self-Compassion Community! You are all invited to join my intro session for no cost. If you register for the session, you can join live or watch the replay recording for 30 days. This session is great for parents, educators, clinicians, and other caregivers of children who would like to nurture self-compassion in youth (and themselves!).
Learn about the issues that caregivers face when trying to teach self-compassion to children and why it’s important to help children (and you!) grow self-compassion. Experience a playful activity from my self-compassion workbook that helps kids embrace all their feelings. I’ll highlight aspects of my upcoming 3-hour workshop, which teaches caregivers how to foster self-compassion in children using engaging activities, fun metaphors, and playful exercises.
My newsletter subscribers can receive 20% off of the 3-hour workshop that I’ll be offering on February 15th. Just use the discount code Save20%fromJamieLynnwhen you register. Click here to see the details for my three-hour workshop, entitled How Caregivers can Nurture Self-Compassion in Children, which is great for caregivers who would like to experience activities and tools for helping kids grow self-compassion.
Why Self-Compassion?
Self-compassionate people are more likely to….*
- Feel happy, optimistic and satisfied with their lives
- Have a stable and unconditional sense of self-worth
- Be appreciative of and satisfied with their bodies
- Demonstrate higher levels of emotional intelligence
- Be forgiving and compassionate toward others
- Be strong and resilient when faced with hardship
- Be conscientious and take personal responsibility
- Show grit, motivation and determination to meet important goals
- Focus on learning and personal growth
- Cope with work challenges and feel more competent and effective at their jobs
- Maintain healthy work-life balance
- Draw healthy boundaries and say no
- Feel authentic and connected and experience intimacy in relationships with others
- Make compromise solutions in conflict situations
- Eat nutritious food, exercise, and get medical checkups
- Sleep well and have a strong immune system
*The above list was compiled by Kristin Neff (see here).
This is why I’m so passionate about helping caregivers and youth grow self-compassion—there are so many benefits! The first research study on my parent-child class showed benefits for both parents and kids (see article). I’ll share data on the second study soon.
My next parent-child mindfulness and self-compassion class starts on January 25th, and there are still a few spots remaining. You can click the button below to register or learn more about the parent-child class.
Gathering for Paid Subscribers
This week my paid subscribers have the opportunity to join me live (1pm CT on Tuesday) for our monthly gathering. Our session will be a mix of practice, workbook activity content, and Q & A. It’s only $5 a month (or less if you sign up for a year!) to become a paid subscriber. Please consider upgrading to paid so you can join me, support my work, and receive short weekly videos with examples from my life and tips for sharing self-compassion with kids.
Podcast with Kristin Neff – Coming Soon!
Next week I’m excited to release a podcast episode featuring an interview with Kristin Neff. Kristin has been a pioneer in the development of programming and research on self-compassion. I am immensely grateful for her work, and I’m delighted we are partnering to help caregivers discover how to share self-compassion with youth.
Thank you for caring about youth and bolstering the resource of self-compassion in yourself and kids. I’m grateful we are on this journey together.
With Kindness and Gratitude,
Jamie Lynn
P.S. Despite the cold weather in Wisconsin, I have been enjoying my walks to Lake Michigan. Here a couple of photos that I took in the morning this past week.