The Subtle Aggression of Self-Improvement
Those of us who are on the journey of growing resilience can sometimes get stuck in what meditation teacher, Bob Sharples calls, “the subtle aggression of self-improvement.” We get so focused in improving ourselves that we forget to enjoy the journey.
The Path to Resilience
Happy New Year! A common New Year’s tradition is to set an intention or resolution for the year. This could be an action that would entail fierce self-compassion (i.e. I am going to take care of my body this year by…), or it could be more centered around tender compassion (e.g. “May I begin to accept myself as I am”).
The Rabbit Listened – The Power of Presence
The winter solstice has passed (hooray!) and for many the holidays are approaching. Happy holidays to those who celebrate! I have some insights to share with you that can help you tap into your greatest gift this season: presence.
What is Your Resilience Animal?
You may have read my previous blogs on the feelings habit animals. Learning about feelings habits and taking the fun feelings habit animal quiz is an excellent first step for helping kids (and grown-ups) be mindful of their feelings’ tendencies and recognize that others also sometimes think and feel like them.
Post-Traumatic Growth
Today, I’m excited to share with you something positive that can emerge from challenging life circumstances: post-traumatic growth. When adversity strikes, do you ever fear that you are going to experience a mental health setback? What if the opposite were true?
Mindfulness for Kids and Grown-Ups
Has anyone felt an acute need for coping strategies recently? Me, too! Today I’ll share some tools I’ve been using to get through, as well as how you can help kids grow these same skills. We’ll start with the silly kid stuff, and you can scroll down if you’d like to hear my personal stuff.
Mindful Self-Compassion for Teens Course
Today I’m reaching out with a bonus email (no I won’t do this every week) because I am offering a Mindful Self-Compassion for Teens course that starts really soon—November 19.
Side-by-Side Feelings
When we put a lot of time and energy into creating something beautiful, it’s common to feel a sense of joy and euphoria. And when these good feelings pass, it’s common to feel letdown.
Thank You!
The outpouring of love, book orders, and support this past week was simply amazing. Thank you!
Would you like to see the first chapter of the workbook?
It’s Finally Here!
I have phenomenal news! The full-color edition of the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, Volume 1 is available! Go ahead, you can order it now!!