An Interview with Dr. Kristin Neff
Hello Friends!
I’m excited to share an interview with Dr. Kristin Neff on Fierce Self-Compassion and Parenting (view our interview on Substack or your favorite podcast app). Our conversation is rich and includes both the challenges and opportunities of integrating tender and fierce self-compassion in our caregiving, and how embodying these two energies can inform our interactions with our children.
This interview with Kristin is a breath of fresh air for parents aspiring not only to nurture their children, but also empower them to be strong and agentic. And of course, growing your own fierce and tender self-compassion skills is key to helping your child do the same.
Our conversation feels very timely given the recent US presidential inauguration. It is more important than ever that we empower women, minorities, and others with diverse identities to utilize the resources of tender and fierce self-compassion. At around the 10:00 minute mark of our interview, Kristin shares about the importance of women challenging gender roles in parenting. She points out that gender roles can prevent boys from embracing tender self-compassion, and girls from owning strong self-compassion, and what we as parents can do to empower our children and ourselves.
Please be sure to listen until the end of the podcast where Kristin guides us through a tender and/or fierce self-compassion break that can be applied to many different situations in our lives.
And if you are enjoying my We Are in It Together podcast episodes, please subscribe / follow on Apple podcasts or Spotify and give it a review! Your review will help more people discover the resource of self-compassion for caregivers and youth.
Parent-Child Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Class
Wishing you continued light, love, and fierce self-compassion!
Jamie Lynn
P.S. I’m sending compassion to all who are affected by California wildfires. As Kristin and I talked about in our podcast, compassion includes tender empathy as well as strong action. Here’s a link for the Red Cross, which is one of a number of organizations accepting donations for relief efforts. You can specify California wildfires if you choose to donate.
P.P.S. For my paid subscribers (thank you!), I will be sending a follow-up email later this week sharing some personal struggles, triumphs, and aspirations for my own fierce self-compassion practice. If you’d like join my inner circle and help support my work, please consider upgrading to a paid subscription (just $5 a month!)

The Moon over Lake Michigan was breath-taking last week.