You make a difference PLUS see the first chapter Hello Friends, The outpouring of love, book orders, and support this past week was simply amazing. Thank you! Would you like to see the first chapter of the workbook? I shared a PDF of the intro in a previous...
It’s Finally Here!
Hello Friends, I have phenomenal news! The full-color edition of the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, Volume 1 is available! Go ahead, you can order it now!! Buy the Workbook Note: If you live in Canada, the UK, France, Italy, Australia, or...
Full Cover Reveal
And other exciting opportunities! Hello friends! I have great news! Volume 1 of the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids is ready to go, and we have just four weeks until our October 24, 2024 launch date! Scroll down for the cover reveal 🙂 I had...
Own Your Fierce
The world needs your strength! Question: Which of the following is an act of compassion: 1) Soothing someone who has been injured; 2) Setting a boundary to prevent further injury; or 3) Taking action that aligns with your values? The answer is that all three...
A Map to Well-Being
16 skills to get (your kids) there! Hello Friends! Today I’m sharing a map of sixteen skills that can help you and your kids be your most resilient, authentic and loving selves! One of my favorite aspects of the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbooks for Kids is...
We Are in It Together
Why I renamed my newsletter & Comics to share with kids Hello Friends, If I had just one message to share with you, and one message to encourage parents to share with kids, it would be this: We Are in It Together. Again and again and again, I hear that...
Why Kids Don’t Want to Learn Resilience Habits
Recently, my colleague, Dajana Yoakely, signed herself and her kids up for my parent-child self-compassion class. When I sent her a welcome email, she replied that she wasn’t sure how her kids were going to feel about taking the parent-child class. She said, “I told...
“I’m in the Weeds”
Hello Friends, It feels good to connect with you. I’ve been teaching a lot and also slowly recovering from a case of bronchitis followed by Covid. One of my continual growth opportunities is how to balance rest with all I wish to do in the world. And I know I’m not...
Shame, Kids, and Grown-Ups
When I make a mistake, oftentimes shame is in the room. If you have taken the Feelings Habit Animal Quiz and read my article about the four feelings habit animals, you might remember that the deer is the feelings habit animal that is most correlated with...
What to Do When You’re Beating Yourself Up
Personal disclosure: last week I spent a lot of time beating myself up internally. The reason was pretty innocent: I have been doing a lot of teaching lately, which has left little time for other aspects of my work (like writing this newsletter). Because investing...