Meet the Resilience Habit Animals

Kids learn best through play! That’s because it’s easier to pay attention to playful things, and also because the neurotrophic factors the brain produces during play make it easier to remember what you’ve learned.

In previous articles, I have shared about the Feelings Habit Animals (take the Quiz!). The relatable feelings animals provide a playful way to get kids to talk about feelings. But not only do we want kids to be aware of feelings, we also want them to learn to how to skillfully respond. Enter the Resilience Habit Animals.

The Four Resilience Animals

The resilience habit animals are featured in the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbooks for Kids. In my work with kids, I have found the resilience animals so effective in playfully teaching resilience habits, that I now use them in my parent-child self-compassion class, in schools, and in my private work with kids and families.

Watch a one-minute clip my daughters and I made about the four animals!


There are four resilience animals: Spots the Giraffe, Buddy the dog, Snuggles the Bunny, and Doodles the Dolphin. Spots helps us to spot our feelings and our five senses, and Buddy reminds us that we’re not alone in our struggles. Snuggles comforts us when things go wrong, and Doodles helps us take helpful actions. There’s also Sunny who reminds us that goodness is omnipresent.

It’s always been a challenge to get kids to practice self-compassion in daily life. But when I ask kids how Spots, Snuggles, Doodles or Buddy might respond to a challenge, I actually get kids to engage. And I am beyond delighted when kids later report that they have practiced the “Buddy habit” or the “Snuggles habit.”

Stay tuned for more details about each of the resilience animals. I plan share about how to help kids learn each of the four resilience habits. Together we can help kids playfully learn to cope with challenging feelings, and thrive!


Jamie Lynn (with Anjali and Maya’s video help :))

Three Simple Ways to Help Kids Grow Self-Compassion

Sitting mother is embracing her daughter

This article originally appeared on Greater Good, the online magazine of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley.

When I teach self-compassion to kids in schools, I do an exercise in which kids imagine that a friend of theirs has lost or broken something special. How would they respond to their friend?

I then ask a second question: How would you respond to yourself if you lost or broke something special? I invite kids to consider the difference between their responses to the two questions. Feel free to consider these questions yourself.

“I would help my friend lift themselves up, but if I lost it, I would never forgive myself.” —Marcos, age 12

“I have compassion for a friend, and I feel angry at myself.” 
—River, age 9

“I almost explode when it happens to me, but I know it will pass when it happens to my friend.” 
—Abbie, age 12

When I teach children (and adults) self-compassion, most say they would offer their friend encouragement, but they would be angry at themselves. Kids, just like grownups, need the resource of self-compassion.

When we practice self-compassion, we treat ourselves with the same kindness that we would offer a friend when things go wrong. This includes soothing ourselves when we struggle and motivating ourselves with kindness. Whereas a habit of self-criticism increases anxiety and depression, adolescents who practice self-compassion become less anxious and depressed. Self-compassion helps kids cope better with challenges and experience more well-being and self-esteem.

But just how do we help kids to develop an inner self-compassionate voice? Here are three ways to do that.

Be the voice that you want kids to internalize

The way we talk to kids makes a big difference in how kids talk to themselves. When kids have repeated experiences of being validated and cared for, the external support can become internalized as an inner self-compassionate voice. Research suggests that when parents are supportive and empathic, their kids learn to respond to themselves with kindness. Meanwhile, parents who are critical of their children are more likely to have kids who are self-critical.

A good question we can ask ourselves when we are addressing a child is this: Is this the voice that I want this child to internalize? Is this how I wish for children to respond to themselves? Some phrases you might consider using include the following:

  • You’re feeling sad/mad about that. It makes sense that you feel that way. I sometimes feel like that, too.
  • I see you’re having a hard time. How can I support you?
  • I’m here for you. I care about you. You’re not alone.

What do we do when our voice is not the voice that we want children to internalize? Ironically, we need to give compassion to ourselves. Being hard on ourselves when we fall short as caregivers can be just as counterproductive as being hard on children. When we struggle with showing up as we wish for children, we can offer ourselves the three elements of self-compassion, saying phrases like these aloud or in our heads:

  1. Mindfulness: I’m struggling right now.
  2. Common humanity: I’m not the only one who struggles like this.
  3. Kindness: I’m still a good person, and I can try again.

Model self-compassion (it’s good for you, too!)

Sometimes parents think that they are supposed to model “having it all together” for their children. Ironically, kids who see “perfect parents” aren’t being equipped with the skills they need to cope with their own imperfections. Children need caregivers who are appropriately vulnerable with their struggles and model self-compassion. This could be as simple as naming that we are having a hard day and that everyone sometimes struggles like us.

Sometimes caregivers don’t have the skills of self-compassion to model. Luckily, caregivers can learn self-compassion on their own through programs like Mindful Self-Compassion training or by doing The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook. Caregivers can also learn self-compassion along with their children. The Self-Compassion for Children and Caregivers program is an approved adaptation of the Mindful Self-Compassion program that I designed to be offered to kids along with their caregivers.

In the program, parent-child pairs are co-learners as they playfully practice mindfulness and self-compassion skills together. Each session includes parent-child sharing, mindful movement, a comic with animal friends, and interactive self-compassion exercises. A popular exercise from our first session involves the following supplies: a plate, different colored crayons, and a washcloth (or tissue). The plate represents our awareness, and the crayons represent different emotions. During the exercise, parent-child pairs talk about the emotions that they have in response to different scenarios, including taking a self-compassion class together (some kids are less than thrilled at the outset!). As parent-child pairs share about each emotion, they add a different colored crayon to the plate. They then identify the challenging emotions, such as frustration or sadness, and wrap those emotional crayons in the washcloth—metaphorically “hugging” difficult emotions in self-compassion.

Research finds that children who complete the program decrease in depression, and caregivers also see benefits, including less parenting stress and more mindful parenting and self-compassion. In this way, learning self-compassion together can provide intergenerational benefits and increase the parent-child connection. One parent who attended the class with her nine-year-old daughter said:

This [class] opened up conversations about our feelings and gave us a common set of concepts. I feel like it created a stronger bond and connection, and I especially loved the emphasis on accepting weaknesses . . . and that everyone won’t find the same things soothing or helpful and that it is OK. A very helpful framework moving forward to help us communicate about our feelings, and a reminder of the need to focus on the good. I feel like it has made me a more empathetic parent.

Playfully teach and compassionately scaffold kids’ self-compassion practice

For caregivers who would like to teach children self-compassion–related habits, it’s helpful to begin by learning and embracing our own habits around feelings. The Feelings Habit Animal Quiz provides a great way for parents (or teachers) and kids to begin to talk about their current feeling habits: Do you hide feelings (chameleon), explode with feelings (bear), obsess about feelings (beaver), or feel ashamed of feelings (deer)? In my work with children, I have found that kids open up to talking about feelings when it’s approached in this playful and non-judgmental way.

After kids are aware of their feeling habits, they can begin to consciously learn self-compassion–related resilience skills. Because it’s hard for kids to learn during moments of stress, caregivers can playfully teach children how to integrate the three components of self-compassion (mindfulness, common humanity, and self-kindness) during moments of well-being. Caregivers can use resources such as the playful series of self-compassion activity books entitled The Quest for Self-Compassion, which I use with children in both home and school. There are also delightful children’s books, such as It’s Okay: Being Kind to Yourself When Things Feel Hard.

After children have learned resilience skills, caregivers can compassionately scaffold the use of these skills during difficult moments. It works best when caregivers first compassionately respond to a child’s distress and then offer a gentle suggestion of how children might be kind to themselves. For example, you could suggest they try a self-hug or think about what words they would offer to a friend in a similar situation.

If kids are not open to practicing self-compassion, it’s important not to push them. Just offering your own kind presence will help kids grow self-compassion over time.

At first, it can feel awkward to treat ourselves with kindness. Discomfort is normal any time we learn something new, but this gets better with time. Just like it takes practice to learn to ride a bike or do math, so too it takes practice to develop a self-compassionate voice.

In the classroom, I playfully explain both the challenges and payoff of practicing self-compassion. I ask children if they’d be willing to practice something hard, such as writing with their opposite hand, if it meant that they would have their best friend with them every day for the rest of their life. I usually receive an enthusiastic “Yes!” to this question. I then let kids know that while this is not true about writing with their opposite hand, it is true about self-compassion. If kids keep practicing self-compassion, they will have their best friend with them every day for the rest of their lives…because they will become their own best friend.

Note from Jamie Lynn: Please share this blog and/or the Greater Good article with others! Self-compassion not only makes kids more resilient, but the kindness ripples out into our relationships with others to create a more wonderful world!

Wishing you Joy and Self-Compassion,

Jamie Lynn

What is Your Feelings Habit Animal?

The Feelings Habit Animal Quiz is from the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids.

Workbook header

There is nothing that can get a group of kids to roll their eyes like talking to them about feelings. The topic of feelings for most kids (and many grown-ups) is boring at best and painful at worst.

When I instead begin the conversation about feelings by introducing the four feelings habit animals, I get a very different response from children: curiosity. When I show kids my deer, bear, beaver and chameleon feelings habit animals, and I talk about my own feelings habits, kids become curious about their own tendencies. Then I have them take the feelings habit animal quiz.

Children with their feelings habit animal

Many Possibilities…

Six simple questions can give kids and grown-ups clues about their feelings habits. Even though the questions are simple, our responses can be varied. You might have multiple responses to a single question because part of you feels one way, and another part of you feels a different way.

Here’s a personal example of having multiple emotions in response to a situation: When my husband gets very busy with work and doesn’t have time to spend with me, a part of me feels indifferent or even happy. His busyness gives me time work on my own projects and do whatever I want to do. However, another part of me thinks that he doesn’t love me. The second part is a small, child-like part of me that is not rational, but it is still there. So if, “Your friend is too busy to play with you” were a question on the quiz, I would put two answers (“I don’t care” and “I think they don’t like me”) because both are aspects of my internal response.

Take the Feelings Habit Animal Quiz

If you didn’t yet take the 6-question Feelings Habit Animal quiz, I’d invite you to do so now. Answer the questions as you would have when you were a child, and discover your childhood feelings habit animal. Then take it with your child and get curious how each of you would respond now. Many of us have more than one feelings habit, so if you write down your responses (a, b, c, d and/or e) on a piece of paper as you go along, you will get a fuller picture of your feelings habits, which might include multiple animals.

Feelings Habit Animal Quiz

Note:  The Feelings Habit Animal Quiz comes from The Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbooks for Kids.

What are the 4 Feelings Habits?

The quiz results for the four feelings habit animals are described below.


If you chose mostly A’s, your feelings habit animal is a beaver. Emotions can be sticky for you. Your mind replays situations over and over. A sticky mind can be tricky, but it can also be STRONG.


If you chose mostly B’s, your feelings habit animal is a bear. You feel BIG feelings. It’s healthy to feel our feelings, but big feelings can sometimes be difficult to manage. Being sensitive can also be a gift.


If you chose mostly C’s, your feelings habit animal is a chameleon. You can sometimes hide from your emotions or distract yourself from tricky feelings. It can cause difficulties when we avoid our emotions, but being able to focus our attention away from our feelings can also be helpful.


If you chose mostly D’s, your feelings habit animal is a deer. You sometimes feel scared of difficult feelings or think you’re bad. Shame can be a tricky emotion, but just like you, we all wish to be loved. Your care for others can also be a strength.


If you chose mostly E’s, you can choose an animal that matches your feelings habits. How do you normally respond to your feelings? It’s common for our habits to be tricky in some ways and helpful in other ways.

Often people who choose E have a habit of either problem-solving or looking on the bright side when presented with challenges. Problem-solving can sometimes be a resilience habit, and sometimes it can be a form of avoiding feelings (see chameleon). Similarly, looking on the bright side of things can sometimes be a resilience habit, and it can also be a form of upbeat denial if it is coupled with avoidance of difficult emotions.

What do I DO about my feelings habits?

When adults learn about their feelings habit animals, they often want to be handed a “how to solve my feelings habit animal” prescription. Many adults view their feelings habit animals as a problem needing to be solved. I haven’t encountered the same response from most kids. Kids generally appreciate having a playful way to describe their feelings habits, and they like knowing that they are not alone in having these habits.

Taking this quiz with a child offers a way for grown-ups and kids to identify their habits and can facilitate a caregiver-child connection. Helping kids understand that they are not alone in having a hard time with emotions creates an environment where adults and kids can learn and grow side-by-side.

Sometimes when I give kids the quiz, there are kids that try to put what they perceive to be the “correct answer” in the “e” response. Interestingly enough, when I share my own feelings habit animals, kids start to practice a little more self-honesty.

Knowing we are not alone when things go wrong is one of 5 resilience habits that I teach to kids in my Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids and my parent-child classes.

Sharing our Feelings Habit Animals

My feelings habit animals are a bear, a beaver, and a deer. I am a very sensitive person, and my brain can be very sticky. I am also prone to feeling shame about all sorts of things (goes along with the sensitivity and sticky brain). These habits can be liabilities, and they can also be gifts. I wouldn’t be the teacher I am today without my unique blend of feelings habits.

What about you, what are your feelings habit animals? If you’re willing to share your habit animals in the comments, it can help us all feel connected. Remembering that we are not alone in our struggles is a kindness that can contribute to resilience over time.

Wishing you light and love,

Jamie Lynn

Learn more about self-compassion for kids and caregivers and sign up for Resilience Habits for ParentsMindfulness and Parent-Child Self-Compassion, or adult Mindful Self-Compassion classes with Jamie Lynn.

Self-Compassion or Self-Pity?

If I’m self-compassionate, does that mean I feel sorry for myself?

It’s a common fear that self-compassion will lead to self-pity (for ourselves or our kids). What differentiates self-compassion from self-pity? And what makes one resilience boosting and the other resilience depleting?

It’s easier to understand self-compassion/self-pity within the context of compassion/pity in general.

An Example of Pity and Compassion

If I see someone homeless on the street who looks cold, and I think, “Wow! That person is having a bad life. I’m glad that’s not me!!” I will experience the emotion of pity. They are suffering, and they are different from me. Even if I try to help, it will come from a place of pity.

Now notice how a compassionate thought sets the stage differently, “Wow! That person looks like they are suffering. That could be me if my life circumstances were different.” From this place, I experience connection. This feeling of connection transforms pity into compassion.

Self-Pity and Self-Compassion

Bringing this same sense of connection to our personal struggles creates a foundation for self-compassion.

Consider this self-pitying thought, “Poor me. I’m having such an awful life.” Adding in an element of connection can help us experience self-compassion: “I’m having a difficult time, and others sometimes struggle like this, too.”

We all experience self-pity from time-to-time, and we can meet self-pity with compassion. But whereas wallowing in self-pity will make us feel disempowered, self-compassion sets the stage for a nurturing response and empowered action.

Self-Compassion or Self-Pity chart

Applying Self-Compassion to Our Parenting/Caregiving

The ultimate goal of my work is to help caregivers help children grow self-compassion. That being said, we can’t give away what we haven’t got. So we’ve got to begin by helping ourselves grow self-compassion.

Let’s face it, being a parent can be hard! When we have kids with extra struggles (physically, emotionally, or socially) the task can be even harder. So just how do we help ourselves experience connection and self-compassion in the midst of struggles?

A Personal Example

My children have been going through an arguing phase where they argue more than normal. This is stressful for me as a parent, and I feel empathy for the sadness and stress that their arguments cause one another.

The other day I was pondering their relationship on a walk. Because my daughters typically have a strong connection and have years of practice seeing one other’s perspectives, there’s nothing that I need to “do” to help to resolve the situation. Instead I reminded myself that all siblings go through phases of having more and less conflict. This is hard, but I am not alone in this experience, and it’s not my fault.

Growing Self-Compassion Together

It’s easier to grow self-compassionate connection when we are together in community experiencing the commonality of our struggles in real time. One of my hopes for this “Substack” newsletter is that we can connect with one another in both our common parenting struggles as well as our resilience-boosting “successes.”

I would love it if you shared your comments or questions by clicking on the comment button, and I also have plans to create a Q & A thread for my newsletter so we can learn and grow together.

And of course there’s an opportunity to grow self-compassion in community with others through taking one of my resilience-boosting classes: Parent-Child Self-Compassion, Resilient Parenting, or the adult Mindful Self-Compassion training (all three begin in January!).

Thank you for being a part of our community.

Wishing you light and love,

Jamie Lynn


5 Keys to Resilient Parenting

What emotional and psychological gifts do you wish for children? Perseverance, happiness, kindness, authenticity, compassion, joy? What about resilience? Resilience can be defined as the ability to endure or bounce back from difficulties. Sometimes people define resilience as “toughness,” but true resilience is not impenetrable. In fact, the kind of resilience I am talking about includes compassion and joy.

But just how do we cultivate resilience in children? The answer, of course, begins by cultivating resilience in ourselves. Below I’ve listed five keys to parenting with resilience as well as an example of how each of these keys helped me address an important parenting challenge – my child’s learning disability.


The 5 Keys:

1. Acceptance*  – Types of acceptance include self-acceptance, acceptance of your child and/or family, and acceptance of your life circumstances.

  • Accepting ourselves, our children and others lays a foundation for unconditional love. If you haven’t yet watched my kiwi bird video, it is a great metaphor for learning to accept ourselves and others as we are.
  • Accepting our lives as they are enables us to show up fully, with less resistance and stress.

I do not advocate for acceptance as a form of passive resignation when circumstances are non-optimal. Instead tender acceptance can provide a firm foundation for sustainable growth and change. When my older daughter was having learning difficulties at school, I had to acknowledge her challenge before I could figure out what to do about it. Acceptance allowed me to see that her divergent brain was not a match for mainstream school culture.

*Some people find the word acceptance unpalatable. If so, feel free to substitute the word “acknowledgment,” which is a precursor on the journey to acceptance.


2. Growth – We can complement (self-) acceptance with a desire to grow and change. Sustainable growth and change requires humility. Humility does not mean thinking we are less than others. Quite to the contrary, humility means recognizing that we are on the learning team, just like every other human. It gives us the courage to see that we and our kids have both strengths and weaknesses. Self-compassionate humility can buffer us from defensive and resilience-robbing responses to failure and shame.

Humility allowed me to view both the strengths and weaknesses that accompanied my daughter’s learning differences. The non-linear nature of her thinking was an asset to her creative process, but it was a liability when she was asked to read a block of text or present ideas in a linear sequence. Seeing her divergent brain through a lens of humility allowed me to hold the challenges and gifts side-by-side.

Seeing ourselves and our children as imperfect and beautiful human beings allows us to clearly see the ways that we need to grow and change. This desire to change is stimulated not from a sense of shame or inadequacy, but rather because we love ourselves enough to want what is best for us.


3. Curiosity – What do you do when you and/or your child has a problem that you don’t know how to solve? How do you respond when things are not okay, but you’re not sure where to turn? When panic, confusion, and overwhelm threaten to highjack your brain, curiosity is your ally. Consider the powerful shift curiosity can create: “I wonder how I should respond? I wonder how other parents have addressed problems like this? I wonder who might know more about this kind of thing?” Thinking that there is only one “right way” to solve a problem (and that we are a failure if we can’t find it) is resilience depleting. Wondering about causes, conditions, resources, and potential pathways opens the mind to new possibilities.

I remember well the angst of not knowing how to help my daughter learn to read and process decontextualized academic information. I read books on the topic, talked to professionals and friends, and became curious about how to create a bridge between her way of learning and the school environment. We ended up changing schools, enlisting school support, and hiring outside tutors. It was a long and messy process requiring many of the keys of resilient parenting, including the next one – compassion.


4. Compassion  Stuff happens! Life will go wrong. We and our kids will have problems. Compassion means holding ourselves and others with kindness when we are struggling, and seeking to alleviate suffering whenever possible. Some might think that compassion is the way of weakness; paradoxically it is the main taproot of resilience. If I had to choose only one of the five keys of resilience, it would be compassion. In its tender form, compassion can hold us in our struggles (acceptance), and its strong form it can help us to create positive growth and change. Visit if you’d like to learn more about cultivating compassion and self-compassion in children and families.

Our family needed fierce compassion to find the diagnoses and resources that my older daughter needed for academic success as well as tender (self-) compasion to hold us as she struggled with learning challenges.


5. Soaking in the Good – While struggle is a part of life, so too is beauty. Our negativity bias encourages us to orient toward difficulties, but sustaining resilience requires that we also take in the beautiful moments.

Sometimes we might be afraid to take in the good because good moments can be fleeting. While it’s true that many good things don’t last, it’s precisely because of this that we need to open to their goodness. We are invited to soak in the goodness of our children, ourselves, and our lives as fully as possible so that when the moment passes we retain traces of its goodness. Internalized goodness will make us more resilient when the inevitable challenges of life arise.

The early days of my older daughter’s learning challenges were emotionally draining for her and our family. We had to intentionally remember to focus on her gifts and the places outside of school where she experienced success and joy. After years of interventions, my older daughter now experiences moments of scuccess within the school environment. This past year we were all able to celebrate when she achieved her first report card with straight A’s. Her learning challenges are not over, but we are learning to navigate them with the keys of resilience, including soaking in the good.


When you see this list of five keys to resilience, you might think, “I haven’t mastered those things yet!” Not to worry, you are not alone. The keys are “north stars” on the journey rather than destinations that we can achieve.

If you are cultivating humility (our second key), you will remember that it is essential to be on the learning team. Curiosity (key number three) can help you to discover the next step on your journey. Acceptance and compassion (our first and fourth keys) will be your companions when you inevitably fall short. And when you have those moments that you actually hit the mark, be sure to take in the good (key #5)!

Feel free to reach out to me as you stumble along this brutiful journey of living and loving with resilience.


Your companion on the journey,
Jamie Lynn