A Youth’s Journey to Mindful Self-Compassion
When my colleague’s 17-year-old son attended my introductory Mindful Self-Compassion for Teens’ workshop and then signed for a Mindful Self-Compassion for Teens class, I asked if her son, Grant, would be up for being interviewed for my podcast. To my delight, Grant said yes!
We Are in It Together
If I had just one message to share with you, and one message to encourage parents to share with kids, it would be this: We Are in It Together.
Cellphones and Silence
I am back from my silent retreat. I often think of silent retreats as being like backpacking trips. Backpacking trips and silent retreats both include moments sublime, moments of intense discomfort, and I always feel better when I come home.
Fierce Self-Compassion
You may be familiar with the 4 S’s of attachment: Seen, Safe, Soothed and Secure. Well, I’d like to add a 5th S: Strong!
Can you be Jealous AND Happy?
Have you ever told yourself that you shouldn’t feel jealous of someone? Me, too. Thinking that we shouldn’t feel jealous, or angry, or __(fill in the blank with the emotion)__ is common for kids and grown-ups who have the “deer” feelings habit.
It’s Summer-Now What!?
As a mom who works from home, having kids home for the summer presents both gifts and challenges.
The kids see that I am at home, and they think that they can interrupt whatever I’m doing so that I can tend to them. And sometimes I get grouchy with the kids because I just want to get some work done.
Four Habits to Help Kids with Social Anxiety
Hello friends!
Today I’m sharing an article that I wrote for the Greater Good Magazine on how social anxiety can show up in kids and what we can do to help. Enjoy!
Overcoming OCD…Rohan’s Spectacular Recovery
Note: this blog is a continuation of my last blog: Overcoming OCD…how it all began.
My last blog featured Rohan* who had a debilitating nighttime fear of someone breaking into his house and taking him away.
Overcoming OCD…how it all began
When Rohan was five years old, he was outside playing with a friend, and a man walked through the alley. Rohan’s friend pointed at the man in the alley and said that the man was a kidnapper. Rohan ran into the house to find his mom. His mom assured him that he was safe, but Rohan was different from that day forward.
Post-Covid Crazies
Have you ever noticed that your brain gets a little (or a lot) more anxious, neurotic, depressed, etc. than usual when you get sick?