Thank You!

You make a difference PLUS see the first chapter


Hello Friends,

The outpouring of love, book orders, and support this past week was simply amazing. Thank you!

Would you like to see the first chapter of the workbook? I shared a PDF of the intro in a previous newsletter. But today you can see both the intro and the first chapter of the book when you click this link (after you click the link, you’ll need to PAUSE, and then scroll down).

The first chapter will give you a good feel for the content, fun-factor, and layout of the book. If you haven’t yet ordered the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, Volume 1, you can order it now :).


Thank you to all who ordered on the 24th and shared your receipt numbers with me. If you ordered on launch date but didn’t yet register for the How to Help Kids with Tricky Thoughts and Feelings Masterclass, you are still welcome to do so. I numbered the list of names and used a random number generator to pick #24, Anvita Mishra, who won the Super Snuggles raffle!

Raffle Winner

Coincidentally, Anvita was present on launch day and was a phenomenal contributor to the workbook and book launch effort. And Anvita’s daughter, Aarya, is pictured below helping me cut the cake. Aarya spent hundreds of hours with me creating and editing activities in the book.

Celebration of launching a new book.

To date, I have received 10 workbooks to donate to children at Fratney Elementary – a diverse Milwaukee Public School. Mil gracias (a thousand thanks) to those of you who have already donated!

If you would like to donate a workbook, you can send copies of the book to my husband’s work (Patrick Bieser, 1572 E. Capitol, Shorewood, WI 53211), and I will hand-deliver the book to a child at Fratney. I’m hoping to get 60 books, one for each third grader.

You can also order the workbook for yourself (your inner child!) and your loved ones. This mother-daughter pair shared:

“We love doing the mindfulness and self-compassion workbook together so we can help each other name our feelings to tame our feelings. We do the workbook together at night before bed.” –Fia and Thekla Ross 

It seems kind of crazy that the first volume of the workbook has been launched. I have a lot of side-by-side feelings (which I will share with you next week). Helping kids joyfully learn self-compassion feels like a dream come true! Thank you for being a part of my dream team.

With love and gratitude,

Jamie Lynn

P.S. Here’s a video of our family singing “We Are in It Together” at the launch party. I have tears of joy and gratitude as I introduce the song:

P.P.S. I will be offering a Mindful Self-Compassion for Teens class for adolescents, ages 11-14, mid-November thru mid-December. You can reply to this email for details if you’re interested for your teen / pre-teen!

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© 2024 Jamie Lynn Tatera | All Rights Reserved

It’s Finally Here!

Hello Friends,

I have phenomenal news! The full-color edition of the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, Volume 1 is available! Go ahead, you can order it now!!

Buy the Workbook


Jamie-Lynn and Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids.

Note: If you live in Canada, the UK, France, Italy, Australia, or Japan, you can order the book by doing a title search on Amazon.

And I have more great news. If you order the workbook today (October 24th), you can attend my upcoming Masterclass on How to Help Kids with Tricky Thoughts and Feelings using the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids for no cost! Just enter your Amazon receipt number here.

If you’d like to order a copy of the workbook for a student at Fratney, a diverse Milwaukee Public School, you can ship the workbook to my husband’s work (Patrick Bieser, 1572 E. Capitol, Shorewood, WI 53211), and I will hand-deliver the book to a child at Fratney. I’d love to get at least 60 copies of the workbook so that I can give the book to all of the third graders at Fratney.


I have been working on this book for years, and I am so excited for kids to have an opportunity to ENJOY learning mindfulness and self-compassion skills!

Order the Book

Thank you for being a part of the community of people who is helping to grow a kinder, more compassionate world for future generations.

With deep gratitude and joy,

Jamie Lynn

P.S. My 16-year-old daughter, Maya, is taking the workbook to school today to show her teachers (bless her heart!). And here’s my younger daughter with the book and Super Snuggles.


The Mother-Daughter Duo

My daughter and teacher, Maya Lynn


Hello Friends,

My daughter, Maya Lynn, is the vibrant little being that brought me to Mindful Self-Compassion. When she was 4-years-old, her mammoth-size meltdowns brought me to my knees, which led me to a good therapist who recommended Mindful Self-Compassion. Learning self-compassion anchored and healed me, and helped me to show up for my daughter in a way that was ultimately healing for her, too.

Over the years, Maya has grown her own self-compassion practice, and at age 16, she is one of the humans that I admire most on this planet (right up there with Pope Francis!). I am so honored to have the opportunity to interview Maya Lynn for this month’s podcast episode.

Podcast with Jamie Lynn & Maya Lynn

In addition to having her own mindfulness and self-compassion practice, Maya also helped me to write the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbooks for Kids (volume 1 is being released this, Thursday, October 24th!), and she taught the workbook to a child who attends a local Milwaukee Public School. In this one-minute clip, she calls the book, “a diamond,” which touches my heart more than you can imagine <3.

Other highlights from our podcast include:

  • Maya shares about post pandemic-related social anxiety (3:30)
  • How to open to emotions – “What you resist persists” (5:05)
  • Examples of how she uses self-compassion in sports (7:00)
  • Maya’s experience creating and teaching the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids (10:05)
  • Tips for helping kids learn self-compassion (hint: use play!) (10:45)
  • A workbook preview by Maya Lynn (14:30)
    • What’s your inner voice like?
    • Comics!! (15:45)
    • The Quest (17:17)
    • Relatability – Real Kids and Real Quotes (19:20)
    • Fun Activities & Animals (20:25)
    • The Research (20:45)
    • Feelings Habit Animals (21:05)
  • A Diamond (23:00)
  • The We Are in It Together Song – composed by Maya Lynn and performed by our family

Because the workbook preview in this podcast includes visuals, I recommend viewing the podcast episode in Substack, Youtube, or Spotify. All of these podcast platforms will allow you to view the episode with video.

And friends, our Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, Volume 1, launch date is THIS WEEK (October 24th!). I will send you the Amazon order link for the workbook on October 24th so we can collectively order on launch date! And remember, everyone who orders on the 24th will be able to join me for a free Masterclass on how to help kids with tricky thoughts and feelings using the workbook (either join me live or view the recording). Details to come (including the Amazon order link) on October 24th!

Wishing you and your families and communities light, love and joy,

Jamie Lynn

How to Help Kids Deal With Obsessive Thoughts

Research suggests that children can learn to think differently about sticky, intrusive thoughts so they don’t feel controlled by them.


Hello Friends!

Mindfulness and self-compassion skills provide a foundation for kids to cope with any mental health challenge. My fabulous research team is currently in the middle of a study focused on how the Parent-Child Mindfulness and Self-Compassion class can help kids with anxiety. In a previous study, we found that kids who took the parent-child program had decreases in depression (and parents had decreases in parenting stress). This is awesome news!

I’ve created the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbooks for Kids to help more kids have access to these resilience resources. The below article is one that I wrote for Greater Good Magazine, and it describes how the skills from the workbook served as a foundation for one child to overcome debilitating OCD symptoms.

Note: You’ll learn more details about how to use the workbook to help kids with tricky feelings in my upcoming Masterclass, which is free for all who order volume 1 of the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids on October 24th.

How to Help Kids Deal With Obsessive Thoughts

Research suggests that children can learn to think differently about sticky, intrusive thoughts so they don’t feel controlled by them.

By Jamie Lynn Tatera | September 9, 2024

Rohan’s nighttime fears of being robbed and abducted began at five years old. At nine, Rohan was still sleeping in his mother’s room plagued by nighttime obsessions. “I feel like we’re going to get robbed, and it’s probably real,” Rohan would tell himself. Then he had a second thought that made his fear even worse, “If I believe it too long, it will probably happen.”

Mother with child

This chain of difficult thoughts would lead Rohan to perform nighttime rituals to try to push his fears away. Having repetitive, intrusive thoughts and performing compulsive rituals can be a symptom of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Children with OCD can have obsessions, compulsions, or both. (Not all intrusive thoughts point to OCD; children can also have intrusive thoughts that are unrelated to OCD, which can be exacerbated by circumstances such as natural disasters and trauma.)

Trying to suppress the thoughts or distract themselves are strategies that children commonly use when they have intrusive thoughts. It is understandable to want to avoid difficult emotions and thoughts; however, “avoidant” coping strategies like these tend to worsen our emotional and psychological challenges. Ruminating about difficult thoughts can also lead to worse mental health.

If we don’t want to suppress or ruminate on intrusive thoughts, what can we do? Studies have found that the ability to reevaluate difficult thoughts and feelings can lead to better mental health. Understanding our thoughts and feelings and having insight into what is happening in the mind can lead to increased well-being. But just how do we help children, whose prefrontal cortices are still developing, learn to acknowledge, understand, and relate skillfully to sticky thoughts?

We can begin by helping children address less intense thoughts. When Rohan and his mother came to see me for self-compassion lessons, my task was to help Rohan learn resilience habits that he could begin to apply to his everyday mental and emotional challenges. Eventually, these same resilience habits could be applied to more challenging situations, including his nighttime fears. I used the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbooks for Kids that I developed to help Rohan practice mindful awareness, emotional regulation, and self-kindness skills.

Here are some strategies that can help kids build the internal resources to deal skillfully with tricky thoughts.

Non-judgmental awareness through common humanity

It’s common for kids (and adults) with intrusive thoughts to think that “something is wrong with them.” This belief can lead us to feel shame and suppress the thoughts, worsening our symptoms. Understanding that it is common to have sticky thoughts and finding playful ways to observe thought patterns can help.

My mindfulness and self-compassion workbook has a “Feelings Habit Animal Quiz,” which helps children identify how they commonly deal with emotions: Bear explodes with feelings, beaver obsesses about feelings, chameleon hides feelings, and deer is ashamed of feelings. In taking the quiz, Rohan discovered that his feelings habit animal was a beaver: “Emotions can be sticky for you. Your mind replays situations over and over. A sticky mind can be tricky, but it can also be STRONG.”

By reading about other children in the workbook, Rohan came to understand that lots of kids struggle with difficult emotions, and he wasn’t the only kid with the beaver feelings habit.

Along with identifying that habit, Rohan was introduced to animal characters who represented resilience habits:

  • Spots the giraffe spots feelings, thoughts, and sensations.
  • Buddy the dog reminds us that we are not alone.
  • Snuggles the bunny can soothe us with kind words when we are struggling.

Rohan’s mom attended many sessions with him, and she and Rohan learned resilience habits side by side. His mom was able to appropriately share her own struggles, offer Rohan understanding, and bring increased awareness and connection into their daily lives.

Over time, this combination of playful animals, mindful awareness, and connection to others helped Rohan observe his sticky thoughts with less judgment. He started to talk about his everyday mind glitches with more kindness. When he had difficult thoughts and feelings, he would remind himself that it’s OK to feel this way and that he was not alone.

Building distress tolerance by “sharing the plate”

Kids who have sticky thoughts often feel anxious. Part of helping these children thrive is giving them coping skills to deal with anxiety. Teaching kids that they can have more than one emotion at a time can help them to broaden their awareness and better tolerate distress, rather than suppressing or obsessing about feelings:
Image of Abbie's plate with foods representing emotions as stressed, shy, excited, curious, sad and hopeful.

In my work with kids, I encourage them to consider how they can “share the plate” with different feelings about situations, including emotions such as anxiety and curiosity.

Caregivers can help kids understand this idea by using a plate and multicolored crayons. The plate represents awareness, and the crayons represent different emotions. First, the caregiver can introduce the idea by sharing their own experiences with multiple emotions. Then, caregivers can present children with a situation and ask them what feelings they might have. Different-colored crayons can be added to the plate to represent the emotions. Invite children to be curious about big and little feelings, as well as positive and challenging emotions.

In the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion for Children and Caregivers program that I’ve developed, I take this one step further and have children wrap the difficult emotions (crayons) in a washcloth. The washcloth represents the self-compassion habits of Buddy and Snuggles: “Other kids sometimes feel like this. You are not alone. I care about you.”

Once Rohan understood the “share the plate” concept as it related to feelings, we applied this same idea to his thoughts. In addition to his nighttime obsessions, Rohan also had sticky thoughts during the day. We placed a small stuffed animal beaver on a plate to represent his daytime sticky thoughts. Then we added the resilience habit animals Spots, Buddy, and Snuggles to the plate. Spots helped Rohan to observe his beaver thoughts, and Rohan realized that even though he had beaver thoughts, he wasn’t the beaver. This difference between “I have a thought” and “I am a thought” is critical for helping kids to observe the content of their mind.

This exercise also empowered Rohan to understand that he could add other thoughts to the plate, such as reminding himself that he was not alone and offering himself words of encouragement. He could also notice his five senses—what he was seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, or tasting—or refocus his attention on another activity.

Educate kids

After six months of weekly sessions, Rohan had learned to apply resilience skills to his everyday challenges. He was now ready to learn to practice resilience habits with more challenging situations, including his nighttime fears.
Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, Volume 1 by Jamie-Lynn Tatera.

Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, Volume 1: 40+ Fun Activities and Comics to Learn to Self-Regulate, Find Peace, and Be Kind to Yourself (Wholly Mindful)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder runs in my family, and my mom, Gwen Tatera, is the author of the delightful children’s book The OCD Beaver. I have a copy of The OCD Beaver on my bookshelf, and during one of our weekly sessions, I invited Rohan and his mother to read the book. Rohan immediately recognized himself in the OCD beaver. He said that he felt less alone, and he had a name for his obsessive thoughts: OCD.

We used the same resilience habits (Spots, Buddy, and Snuggles) to observe Rohan’s nighttime obsessions and rituals. Because I am an educator, not a therapist, I don’t diagnose children. Instead, I took detailed notes on Rohan’s nighttime compulsive rituals, which I shared with Rohan’s school guidance counselor. (If you suspect that your child may have OCD, you can make a list of symptoms to share with your child’s health care provider.) I also helped Rohan understand that robbers don’t usually come when people are home. For individuals experiencing irrational fears, providing knowledge about fact and fiction regarding obsessions can be empowering.

Finally, I introduced Rohan to Jeffrey Schwartz’s four-step method for managing difficult thoughts. Schwartz’s four steps are sometimes used as part of cognitive behavioral therapy programs for individuals with OCD. The four steps help people to recognize, relabel, and reframe their obsessions (in other words, I don’t need to pay attention to these thoughts because they are obsessions, a byproduct of OCD). Individuals then refocus their attention on a different behavior, and over time revalue the obsessions as something that does not warrant their attention or action. Schwartz’s four steps build on a foundation of mindful awareness, which is why I helped Rohan grow resilience habits before introducing him to Schwartz’s four steps.

Over time, Rohan’s internal dialogue moved away from ruminating on his nighttime obsessions and trying to make them “go away,” toward a healthier perspective. Rohan started to relabel and revalue his intrusive nighttime thoughts. When obsessions about being robbed and abducted appeared in his mind, he would remind himself, “I already experienced [these thoughts] for years…and it won’t happen.” Instead of pushing the thoughts away, he would tell himself, “It’s not going to happen. It’s just my OCD thought. OCD is not always right.”

After five years of sleeping in his mother’s room with terrifying fears, Rohan began to sleep in his own room. He discontinued almost all of his nighttime rituals, and his mother bought him a new bedroom set. Rohan and his mother also reported that he felt happier and more confident at school.

Strong and gentle self-compassion

When I asked Rohan’s mom what she thought enabled Rohan to relate differently to his nighttime fears, she said that acceptance and kindness had a lot to do with it. Before they began seeing me, Rohan’s mom tended to get impatient with Rohan’s obsessive thoughts and feelings. A few months into sessions with Rohan, his mom enrolled in an adult Mindful Self-Compassion course to deepen her own resource of self-compassion. Practicing self-compassion and doing the activities from the workbooks with Rohan helped her not only be kinder to herself, but also more understanding and accepting of Rohan’s fears. Rohan in turn became more accepting and understanding with himself.

But self-compassion is not just gentle; it is also strong. Toward the end of our sessions, I introduced Rohan to the concept of “Super Snuggles,” which is a strong and encouraging form of kindness. Super Snuggles likes to say, “I believe in you. You can do hard things. You’ve got this.”

Rohan attributed much of his progress to his brain “encouraging him.” And Rohan’s mom was encouraging, as well. She would tell him, “You can beat OCD; you’ve already done so much!” This combination of strong encouragement and gentle acceptance is consistent with the recommendations from the parent-based treatment program for child anxiety, Supportive Parenting for Anxious Childhood Emotions.

When I told Rohan I was going to write this article, I asked him if there was anything he wanted to share. This is what Rohan said: “Even though some people think it’s impossible to beat OCD, some little changes can help make a big change. I know OCD is still in me. But I can beat it.”

If you’re like me, you find this story pretty inspiring. Next week is the launch of the first volume of the workbooks described in this article. Please join me in helping to get these skills to children everywhere!

With joy and hope,

Jamie Lynn

P.S. This past weekend, I went camping with my girls’ Scout troop. It was a side-by-side experience with thirty (loud) kids and 40 degree temps at night. But one of my favorite parts was the candlelight walk on Saturday night, which I actually got to do twice because my daughter lost her phone the first time ;).

Night sky with moon

Living with Intention

Book Excerpt + Reflections to support your best life


Hello Friends,

I am very excited to share this excerpt of the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, Volume 1, with you! It includes the full table of contents, a note for grown-ups, a note for kids, the quest invitation, and the Feelings Habit Animal Quiz.


The last page includes an invitation to join my upcoming Masterclass for free when you purchase the workbook on October 24th.

Book Excerpt: Mindfulness & Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, Volume 1.

I will share more about the workbook, launch party, and Masterclass in an upcoming newsletter, but today I would like to focus on how to live with intention.

One of my strengths and weaknesses (all in one tidy package) is that I sometimes do too much. My 16 year-old, Maya, has the same gift / challenge. And I say to my 16 year-old often: “You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to…but you can’t do everything.”

“You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to…but you can’t do everything.”

To be our best selves, to make an impact on the world that we are designed to make, we have to be selective about how we spend our time. The other day Maya was contemplating adding one more (good) thing to her schedule, and I asked her how she would feel about her participation in the activity after she had graduated high school. Her response was that said would feel indifferent post-high school, but there were other activities that she would care a lot about having done. I advised her to choose her activities according to her future self.

I also encourage Maya to be selective about who she spends her time with, and to focus on building strong relationships with her inner circle. All of this requires that she be intentional. And all of this requires that Maya knows and honors herself.

I would like to invite you to join me and a host of other insightful speakers in the upcoming Intentional Parenting Summit. I’m excited because there are so many great speakers and ideas that can help us live with intention and joy. You can register now for the summit for no cost using this link.

I’ll be speaking on day three, but you can see that all of these are great topics!

Day 1: Self-Care Mastery: Fuel Your Inner Strength and Live with Purpose

Day 2: Organize & Thrive: Master Systems for a Seamless Life

Day 3: Parenting Success: Essential Skills for Building Strong Relationships

Intentional Parenting Summit where Jamie-Lynn Tatera will be a speaker of Self-Compassion to build self-esteem and confidence in kids.

Day 4: Mindful Spaces: Transform Your Physical and Digital Environments

Day 5: Strength in Support: Building Your Network and Community

You can look at the phenomenal list of speakers and find more details about the topics at the bottom of this page.

It is so important to be intentional and help the kids in our lives do the same. Living a life that supports our values is critical to the practice of self-compassion, and it’s what makes our lives have meaning.

Wishing you love and joy,

Jamie Lynn

P.S. I had my goddaughter, Abbie, over this week to look at the workbook. She is one of eleven kids who share their experiences throughout the books. Here Abbie is showing her favorite workbook page (which she is in ;)): I am so prateful (proud and grateful) for the phenomenal group of kids who helped me create the books!

Abbie (one of the kids who shared the experiences) holding a new workbook for kids that is going to be published in October.

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