Book Excerpt + Reflections to support your best life


Hello Friends,

I am very excited to share this excerpt of the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, Volume 1, with you! It includes the full table of contents, a note for grown-ups, a note for kids, the quest invitation, and the Feelings Habit Animal Quiz.


The last page includes an invitation to join my upcoming Masterclass for free when you purchase the workbook on October 24th.

Book Excerpt: Mindfulness & Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids, Volume 1.

I will share more about the workbook, launch party, and Masterclass in an upcoming newsletter, but today I would like to focus on how to live with intention.

One of my strengths and weaknesses (all in one tidy package) is that I sometimes do too much. My 16 year-old, Maya, has the same gift / challenge. And I say to my 16 year-old often: “You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to…but you can’t do everything.”

“You can do ANYTHING you put your mind to…but you can’t do everything.”

To be our best selves, to make an impact on the world that we are designed to make, we have to be selective about how we spend our time. The other day Maya was contemplating adding one more (good) thing to her schedule, and I asked her how she would feel about her participation in the activity after she had graduated high school. Her response was that said would feel indifferent post-high school, but there were other activities that she would care a lot about having done. I advised her to choose her activities according to her future self.

I also encourage Maya to be selective about who she spends her time with, and to focus on building strong relationships with her inner circle. All of this requires that she be intentional. And all of this requires that Maya knows and honors herself.

I would like to invite you to join me and a host of other insightful speakers in the upcoming Intentional Parenting Summit. I’m excited because there are so many great speakers and ideas that can help us live with intention and joy. You can register now for the summit for no cost using this link.

I’ll be speaking on day three, but you can see that all of these are great topics!

Day 1: Self-Care Mastery: Fuel Your Inner Strength and Live with Purpose

Day 2: Organize & Thrive: Master Systems for a Seamless Life

Day 3: Parenting Success: Essential Skills for Building Strong Relationships

Intentional Parenting Summit where Jamie-Lynn Tatera will be a speaker of Self-Compassion to build self-esteem and confidence in kids.

Day 4: Mindful Spaces: Transform Your Physical and Digital Environments

Day 5: Strength in Support: Building Your Network and Community

You can look at the phenomenal list of speakers and find more details about the topics at the bottom of this page.

It is so important to be intentional and help the kids in our lives do the same. Living a life that supports our values is critical to the practice of self-compassion, and it’s what makes our lives have meaning.

Wishing you love and joy,

Jamie Lynn

P.S. I had my goddaughter, Abbie, over this week to look at the workbook. She is one of eleven kids who share their experiences throughout the books. Here Abbie is showing her favorite workbook page (which she is in ;)): I am so prateful (proud and grateful) for the phenomenal group of kids who helped me create the books!

Abbie (one of the kids who shared the experiences) holding a new workbook for kids that is going to be published in October.

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