And other exciting opportunities!


Hello friends!

I have great news! Volume 1 of the Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Workbook for Kids is ready to go, and we have just four weeks until our October 24, 2024 launch date! Scroll down for the cover reveal 🙂

I had planned to have the book available for preorder, but I recently found out that preorder isn’t an option for my book (I had to give myself a bunch of self-compassion when I discovered this). I am publishing my book through Wholly Mindful LLC so that I retain rights to create affordable options for teachers in schools. I’m holding tight to my vision for the workbook to be widely available for families, clinicians, and also schools across the world. Let’s make October 24th the biggest launch date ever!

I plan to share an excerpt of the book with everyone next week, and I have a special perk for those of you who purchase the book on October 24th. I am offering a free Helping Kids with Tricky Thoughts and Feelings Masterclass for everyone who orders the book on the 24th. The event will highlight how to use ideas from the workbook to help children with challenging thoughts and feelings. And there will be exclusive Q & A time with me at the end of the session, which will be held on November 1st. I can’t wait!

Mindfulness & Self-Compassion Workbook for kids, volume 1.

The content and kid-designed layout of the workbook makes it such a gem. When my 16-year-old held the author copy of the book in her hands, she was giddy. She said, “Mom, this is a like a diamond. But we need to make sure that this diamond is seen. This workbook needs to reach everyone!” When I release an excerpt of the book next week, I will share ideas of how we can collectively ensure that as many children as possible benefit from the playful and profound content in the book.

“Jamie Lynn has created a masterpiece for kids that is fun, creative, and engaging. Complete with comics, word games, and art activities, this book teaches kids how to be kinder to themselves in any easy and accessible way. Tips for “grown-ups” are throughout, so adults can guide kids through the book (and maybe learn a little for themselves too!). A must-have for all kids!”

Karen Bluth, PhD, Author of the Self-Compassion Workbook for Teens

The above quote is from my colleague, Karen Bluth, which brings me to my next piece of good news: Karen Bluth will be speaking about teen self-compassion for Kristin Neff’s self-compassion community. She is the world’s leading expert on teen self-compassion (I interviewed her for episode 3 of my podcast). You can use this link to register for Karen Bluth’s conversation with Kristin Neff for no cost. Just click on the button that says, “I already have an invitation code,” and enter the code: Bluth&Neff2024.

And one last piece of goodness: I will be one of 20 fabulous speakers in the upcoming Intentional Parenting Summit. I will share more details about the event next week, but you can register now for the summit for no cost using this link.

This past weekend, my daughters and I visited family. Here’s a picture of my daughter and her grandma reading the workbook together. It warmed my heart <3

Anjali and her grandma looking at the book

I feel deeply grateful to be a part of such a loving, compassionate community!

With Love and Joy,

Jamie Lynn

P.S. You will get a free ticket for this event when you order the workbook on October 24:

How to Help Kids with Tricky Thoughts and Feelings Free Event by Jamie-Lynn Tatera.

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